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Monthly Donation

Set up a monthly recurring donation with your credit card.

Monthly Recurring $5 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.

Monthly Recurring $10 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.

Monthly Recurring $20 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.

Monthly Recurring $50 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.

Monthly Recurring $100 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.

Monthly Recurring $200 Per Month

Donations made here go to running Sky Tavern such as the lodge, winter and summer operations, heavily machine maintenance, ski, snowboard, and mountain bike trails including lights and snowmaking for the future.

Tell Us, use Special Instructions and Details at checkout If you would like to note specifically where you would like your donation to go, thank you.